Major Search Engine Yahoo and Google learning to crawl Flash

The statistics show that Adobe Flash is installed in a whooping 98% of computers connected to the Internet. The use of Flash, a Web developer is able to give his imagination a free field and build magnificent multimedia intensive but also functional sites.

But so far, building Flash sites had a singular disadvantage. However, search engines had no way of indexing unless the Web developer also included text in its Flash site explaining what the site or rather on the content of the site is all about.

Some time ago, Adobe has published the file format Flash SWF as an open specification that encourages third-party developers to create applications that could make Flash files. Adobe has now gone one step further and collaborates closely with Internet search engine companies Yahoo and Google for help in indexing Flash. It is a clear green light for all web developers to start creating sites that are heavy on the Flash content. It also means the Web developers can reduce the size of their Flash sites by deleting the text.

You should know that the latest version of Adobe Flash Player is available for Linux as a platform and make Flash which is a universal format to share and present content on the Web.

Read the official information from Adobe and the announcement of Google.

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