Trick: Fedora 9 "Sulphur" - The Perfect Server

It is a detailed description on how to set up a server Fedora 9, which offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters: Apache web server (SSL compatible) with PHP5 and Ruby, server Postfix mail with SMTP AUTH and TLS, BIND DNS server, Proftpd FTP server, MySQL, dovecote POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc. This tutorial is written for 32-bit version of Fedora 9, but should apply to 64-bit version with very few changes.

I'll use the following software:

* Web Server: Apache 2.2.8
* PHP 5.2.5
* Ruby
* Server database: MySQL 5.0.51
* Mail Server: Postfix
* DNS: BIND9 (chroot)
* FTP server: proftpd
* POP3/IMAP server: dovecote
* Webalizer statistics for website

In the end, you should have a system that works reliably, and if you want, you can install free control panel hosting ISPConfig (ie, ISPConfig runs on it out of the box).


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