FreeBSD and Linux commands
Would you like to have all major Linux and FreeBSD commands with examples are a couple of pages? If you do, then you got your wish.
Colin Barschel brought together what he calls the Toolbox Unix. It is a fabulous piece of the compilation, which will contain all orders often useful in Linux and their equivalents in FreeBSD. This document covers a wide range of subjects divided into 22 sections such as system, processes, file systems, network links, VPN, cryptography, installation and management software and so forth.
What I really on Unix toolbox is that it is well structured, each section has a Linux paragraph immediately followed by a paragraph that explains FreeBSD equivalent commands in FreeBSD. Secondly, the document is available in several formats to PDF, HTML page booklet version able to be printed and put in a small booklet and so forth.
A very good source for Linux / FreeBSD amateur. It is also an added bonus. Visit the homepage of this site and you get a console FreeBSD right within your Web browser. From now there are 30 commands that can be used. Colin termlib used the library to create the virtual terminal.
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