Major Search Engine Yahoo and Google learning to crawl Flash

The statistics show that Adobe Flash is installed in a whooping 98% of computers connected to the Internet. The use of Flash, a Web developer is able to give his imagination a free field and build magnificent multimedia intensive but also functional sites.

But so far, building Flash sites had a singular disadvantage. However, search engines had no way of indexing unless the Web developer also included text in its Flash site explaining what the site or rather on the content of the site is all about.

Some time ago, Adobe has published the file format Flash SWF as an open specification that encourages third-party developers to create applications that could make Flash files. Adobe has now gone one step further and collaborates closely with Internet search engine companies Yahoo and Google for help in indexing Flash. It is a clear green light for all web developers to start creating sites that are heavy on the Flash content. It also means the Web developers can reduce the size of their Flash sites by deleting the text.

You should know that the latest version of Adobe Flash Player is available for Linux as a platform and make Flash which is a universal format to share and present content on the Web.

Read the official information from Adobe and the announcement of Google.


Set Up Shorewall Firewall On CentOS

This tutorial will guide you through the setting of Shorewall (Shoreline) 4.0 firewall on CentOS 5.1, which can be easily adapted to any other Linux distribution.

The Shoreline of firewalls, more commonly known as "Shorewall" is a high-level configuration tool Netfilter. You describe your firewall / gateway using entries in a set of configuration files. Shorewall read configuration files and with the help of utility iptables, Shorewall configure Netfilter to match your needs. Shorewall can be used on a dedicated firewall system , a multi-function gateway / router / server or on GNU / Linux system. Shorewall doesn't use Netfilter ipchains compatibility mode and can thus benefit from connecting Netfilter state monitoring capabilities.

Important Note:
Before installing shorewall we need to uninstall ipchains if you installed in your machine.

Download shorewall




You can check download section in shorewall official web site for newer versions.

Install Shorewall
Installing shorewall is quite easy. Just open a terminal and do a

rpm -ivh shorewall-perl-4.0.11-2.noarch.rpm shorewall-shell-4.0.11-2.noarch.rpm shorewall-4.0.11-2.noarch.rpm

and you're all ready. Don't close your terminal, because we will need it some more.

Setting Shorewall

The program will not start unless you change the shorewall configuration file /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf .You can do this in following way:

vim /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf

Change the first line from




Save and exit (in VIM, hit [ESC] and then ':wq').

If you want to configure shorewall you need to copy the sample configuration file from
/usr/share/doc/shorewall-4.0.11/Samples/. In Samples directory there are 3 different directories :one-interface/,two-interfaces/ and
three-interfaces/. Depending on your network,you can do this by the following command:
cp /usr/share/doc/shorewall-4.0.11/Samples/one-interfaces/{interfaces,policy,masq,routestopped,rules,zones} /etc/shorewall/

cp /usr/share/doc/shorewall-4.0.11/Samples/two-interfaces/{interfaces,policy,masq,routestopped,rules,zones} /etc/shorewall/
cp /usr/share/doc/shorewall-4.0.11/Samples/three-interfaces/{interfaces,policy,masq,routestopped,rules,zones} /etc/shorewall/

Now you have configuration files located in /etc/shorewall.

Zones Configuration

Open and edit the file /etc/shorewall/zones to specify the different network zones,
these are just labels that you will use in the other files.

vim /etc/shorewall/zones

Consider the Internet(net) as one zone, and a private network(dmz) as another zone.The firewall zone or "fw" is your linux box itself.
If you have these then the zones file would look like this:

fw firewall
net ipv4
loc ipv4
dmz ipv4

Interfaces Configuration

The next file to edit is the interfaces file to specify the interfaces on your machine.
vim /etc/shorewall/interfaces

Here you will connect the zones that you defined in the previous step with an actual interface.
The third field is the broadcast address for the network attached to the interface ("detect" will figure this out for you). Finally the last fields are options for the interface. The options listed below are a good starting point.

net eth0 detect tcpflags,dhcp,routefilter,nosmurfs,logmartians
loc eth1 detect tcpflags,nosmurfs
dmz eth2 detect

Policy Configuration

The next file defines your firewall default policy. The default policy is used if no other rules apply.
Often you will set the default policy to REJECT or DROP as the default, and then configure
specifically what ports/services are allowed in the next step, and any that you do not configure are by default
rejected or dropped according to this policy.
vim /etc/shorewall/policy

An example policy (based on the zones and interfaces we used above) would be:

# Policies for traffic originating from the local LAN (loc)
# If you want to force clients to access the Internet via a proxy server
# in your DMZ, change the following policy to REJECT info.
loc net ACCEPT
# If you want open access to DMZ from loc, change the following policy
# to ACCEPT. (If you chose not to do this, you will need to add a rule
# for each service in the rules file.)
loc dmz REJECT info
loc $FW REJECT info
loc all REJECT info
# Policies for traffic originating from the firewall ($FW)
# If you want open access to the Internet from your firewall, change the
# $FW to net policy to ACCEPT and remove the 'info' LOG LEVEL.
$FW net REJECT info
$FW dmz REJECT info
$FW loc REJECT info
$FW all REJECT info
# Policies for traffic originating from the De-Militarized Zone (dmz)
# If you want open access from DMZ to the Internet change the following
# policy to ACCEPT. This may be useful if you run a proxy server in
# your DMZ.
dmz net REJECT info
dmz $FW REJECT info
dmz loc REJECT info
dmz all REJECT info
# Policies for traffic originating from the Internet zone (net)
net dmz DROP info
net $FW DROP info
net loc DROP info
net all DROP info
all all REJECT info

Rules Configuration

The most important file is the rules. This is where you set what is allowed or not.
Any new connection that comes into your firewall passes over these rules, if none of these apply, then the
default policy will apply.

Note: This is only for new connections, existing connections are automatically accepted.

The comments in the file give you a good idea of how things work, but the following will provided an example
that can give you a head-start:
vim /etc/shorewall/rules

An example would be:

# Accept DNS connections from the firewall to the Internet
# Accept SSH connections from the local network to the firewall and DMZ
SSH/ACCEPT loc dmz
# DMZ DNS access to the Internet
DNS/ACCEPT dmz net
# Drop Ping from the "bad" net zone.
Ping/DROP net $FW
# Make ping work bi-directionally between the dmz, net, Firewall and local zone
# (assumes that the loc-> net policy is ACCEPT).
Ping/ACCEPT loc $FW
Ping/ACCEPT dmz $FW
Ping/ACCEPT loc dmz
Ping/ACCEPT dmz loc
Ping/ACCEPT dmz net
ACCEPT $FW net icmp
ACCEPT $FW loc icmp
ACCEPT $FW dmz icmp
# Uncomment this if using Proxy ARP and static NAT and you want to allow ping from
# the net zone to the dmz and loc
#Ping/ACCEPT net dmz
#Ping/ACCEPT net loc


Well we are done, let's fire up the services and begin testing.

service shorewall start

Shorewall Web interface or GUI tool

We have a webmin interface for shorewall to configure through GUI. You can download from


Configuring The Firewall Using IPTABLES

About the Script:

The script is about to build a firewall in Linux using iptables, the user need only to monitor and respond to simple and easy measures and the script will generate the user specified iptables rule in its form original.

I tested the script to PCLinuxOS, FEDORA-9, DREAM_LINUX, UBUNTU-8.
This is my iptables, version 1.0

About iptables:

Network security is a primary consideration in any decision to host a website as the threats are becoming more widespread and persistent every day. One way to provide additional protection is to invest in a firewall. Although prices are still falling, in some cases, you be able to create a comparable unit using the Linux iptables package on a server for little or no additional cost.

Originally, most firewall / NAT package running on Linux was ipchains, but it had a number of shortcomings. To remedy this situation, Netfilter organization has decided to create a product called iptables.

Starting of the Script

A Menu will appear like this:

*****Main Menu*****
1. Check Iptables Package
2. Iptables Services
3. Build Your Firewall with Iptables
4. Exit

1. Check Iptables Package
Now let the user select the option 1. Check iptable Package from the menu by pressing "1" from the keyboard.
Now the script confirms that the user must be Root, and we know that the UID of Root is zero ( 0 ). So first I have to compare the UID of the current user with zero ( 0 ), if the UID doesn't match with the UID of root then it will display the following message:

****You must be the root user to run this script!****
and if the UID matches with root's UID then it displays the following message and runs the script:
***Identity Verified_You are the Root***

We can check the UID of the current user by typing the following command in the terminal:

echo $UID

If the identity of the user is verified as root, then the script will check the iptables package in the Linux OS by using the following command.

rpm -q iptables

*****Main Menu*****
1. Check Iptables Package
2. Iptables Services
3. Build Your Firewall with Iptables
4. Exit

Now if the user selects the option 2. Iptables Services then the checkstatus function will be called. In this function there are some options for the user:

*****Note: Save your Iptables before stop/Restart the iptables Services*****
1. Save the iptables
2. Status of Iptables
3. Start iptables Services
4. Stop iptables Services
5. Restart iptable Services
6. Flush iptables (**Use Carefully_it will remove all the rules from iptables**)
7. Go back to Main Menu

If the user selects 1. Save the iptables the iptables rules will be saved in the Linux OS by using the following command:

/etc/init.d/iptables save

If the user selects 2. Status of iptables the current status of iptables will be displayed, using the following command:

/etc/init.d/iptables status

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
REJECT tcp -- reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
ACCEPT tcp --
LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere LOG level warning

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
DROP udp --

If the user selects 3. Start iptables Services then iptables will be started, using the following command:

/etc/init.d/iptables start

If the user selects 4. Stop iptables Services then iptables will be stopped, using the following command:

/etc/init.d/iptables stop

If the user selects 5. Restart iptable Services then iptables will be restarted, using the following command, it will load the saved iptables rules:

/etc/init.d/iptables restart

If the user selects 6. Flush iptables then iptables will be flushed, (**use Carefully_it will remove all the rules from iptables**), using the following command, it will flush the saved iptables rules:

iptables -F

To go back to the Main Menu the user must select option 7. Go back to Main Menu.

*****Main Menu*****
1. Check Iptables Package
2. Iptables Services
3. Build Your Firewall with Iptables
4. Exit

Option 3. Build your Firewall with Iptables is the heart of this script, by using this option users can create the firewall with iptables using simple steps, when a user selects the option 3. Build your Firewall with Iptables then the script will ask the user to create the firewall.

Using Which Chain of Filter Table?
3. Forward"

The above menu will ask the user to select the chain where he/she wants to put the rule.

Now the script will ask the user to get the IP information from the Source side...

1. Firewall using Single Source IP
2. Firewall using Source Subnet
3. Firewall using for All Source Networks

Then the above menu ask the user the above three question, if the user selects the option 1. Firewall using Single Source IP then the script will ask the user to enter the IP address.

If the user selects option 2. Firewall using Source Subnet then the script will ask the user to enter the subnet in the form of "".

If the user selects option 3. Firewall using for All Source Networks then the script will put 0/0 in the variable named "ip_source" in the script.

Now the script will ask the user to get the IP information from the Destination side...

1. Firewall using Single Destination IP
2. Firewall using Destination Subnet
3. Firewall using for All Destination Networks

Then the above menu asks the user the above three questions, if the user selects option 1. Firewall using Single Destination IP then the script will ask the user to enter the IP address.

If the user selects option 2. Firewall using Destination Subnet then the script will ask the user to enter the subnet in the form of ""

If the user selects option 3. Firewall using for All Destination Networks then the script will put 0/0 in the variable named "ip_dest" in the script.

Now the script asks the user to select the PROTOCOL:

1. Block All Traffic of TCP
2. Block Specific TCP Service
3. Block Specific Port
4. Using no Protocol

Now from the above displayed menu if the user selects 1. Block All Traffic of TCP then the script will block all the TCP Traffic.

If the user selects 2. Block Specific TCP Service, now the script will ask the user to enter the TCP Service of his/her choice (e.g ICMP).

Note: the TCP Service name should be in CAPITAL LETTERS!!!

If the user selects 3. Block Specific Port the script will ask the user to enter the PORT number.

Now the script prompts the user What to do with the Above Created Rule?

What to do with Rule?
1. Accept the Packet
2. Reject the Packet
3. Drop the Packet
4. Create Log

If the user selects 1. Accept the Packet then the packet will be accepted.

If the user selects 2. Reject the Packet then the packet will be rejected.

If the user selects 3. Drop the Packet then the packet will be dropped.

If the user selects 4. Create Log then only the log will be created.

Now the following message will be shown to the user:

Press Enter key to Generate the Complete Rule!!!

When the user presses the Enter key then the script generates the original rule with the correct syntax and displays it to the user, in my case:

The Generated Rule is
iptables -A INPUT -s -d -p TCP -j ACCEPT

Now the script shows the following message to the user:

Do you want to Enter the Above rule to the IPTABLES? Yes=1 , No=2

If the above rule is correct then the user presses 1 for Yes and adds the rule to iptables
otherwise 2 for No and the script will return to let the user edit the rule.

Here is the whole script:
echo -e "****************Welcome*************"
###############################IPTABLE SERVICES PROGRAM BEGINS HERE###############################
while [ $opt_checkstatus != 7 ]
#echo -e "\nChoose the Option Bellow!!!\n
echo -e "\n\t*****Note: Save your Iptables before stop/Restart the iptables Services*****\n"
echo -e " 1. Save the iptables\n
2. Status of Iptables\n
3. Start iptables Services\n
4. Stop iptables Services\n
5. Restart iptable Services\n
6. Flush iptables (**Use Carefully_it will remove all the rules from iptables**)\n
7. Go back to Main Menu"
read opt_checkstatus
case $opt_checkstatus in
1) echo -e "*******************************************************\n"
/etc/init.d/iptables save
echo -e "\n*******************************************************\n"
echo -e "Press Enter key to Continue..."
read temp;;
2) echo -e "*******************************************************\n"
/etc/init.d/iptables status
echo -e "*******************************************************"
echo -e "Press Enter key to Continue..."
read temp;;
3) echo -e "*******************************************************\n"
/etc/init.d/iptables start
echo -e "*******************************************************\n"
echo -e "Press Enter key to Continue..."
read temp;;

4) echo -e "*******************************************************\n"
/etc/init.d/iptables stop
echo -e "*******************************************************\n"
echo -e "Press Enter key to Continue..."
read temp;;

5) echo -e "*******************************************************\n"
/etc/init.d/iptables restart
echo -e "*******************************************************\n"
echo -e "Press Enter key to Continue..."
read temp;;
6) iptables -F
echo -e "*******************************************************"
echo -e "All the Rules from the Iptables are Flushed!!!"
echo -e "*******************************************************\n"
echo -e "Press Enter key to Continue..."
read temp;;
7) main;;
*) echo -e "Wrong Option Selected!!!"
###############################BUILD FIREWALL PROGRAM BEGINS FROM HERE###############################
###############Getting the Chain############
echo -e "Using Which Chain of Filter Table?\n
3. Forward"
read opt_ch
case $opt_ch in
1) chain="INPUT" ;;
2) chain="OUTPUT" ;;
3) chain="FORWARD" ;;
*) echo -e "Wrong Option Selected!!!"

#########Getting Source IP Address##########

echo -e "
1. Firewall using Single Source IP\n
2. Firewall using Source Subnet\n
3. Firewall using for All Source Networks\n"
read opt_ip

case $opt_ip in
1) echo -e "\nPlease Enter the IP Address of the Source"
read ip_source ;;
2) echo -e "\nPlease Enter the Source Subnet (e.g"
read ip_source ;;
3) ip_source="0/0" ;;
#4) ip_source = "NULL" ;;
*) echo -e "Wrong Option Selected"
#########Getting Destination IP Address##########
echo -e "
1. Firewall using Single Destination IP\n
2. Firewall using Destination Subnet\n
3. Firewall using for All Destination Networks\n"

read opt_ip
case $opt_ip in
1) echo -e "\nPlease Enter the IP Address of the Destination"
read ip_dest ;;
2) echo -e "\nPlease Enter the Destination Subnet (e.g"
read ip_dest ;;
3) ip_dest="0/0" ;;
#4) ip_dest = "NULL" ;;
*) echo -e "Wrong Option Selected"
###############Getting the Protocol#############
echo -e "
1. Block All Traffic of TCP
2. Block Specific TCP Service
3. Block Specific Port
4. Using no Protocol"
read proto_ch
case $proto_ch in
1) proto=TCP ;;
2) echo -e "Enter the TCP Service Name: (CAPITAL LETTERS!!!)"
read proto ;;
3) echo -e "Enter the Port Name: (CAPITAL LETTERS!!!)"
read proto ;;
4) proto="NULL" ;;
*) echo -e "Wrong option Selected!!!"

#############What to do With Rule#############
echo -e "What to do with Rule?
1. Accept the Packet
2. Reject the Packet
3. Drop the Packet
4. Create Log"
read rule_ch
case $rule_ch in
1) rule="ACCEPT" ;;
2) rule="REJECT" ;;
3) rule="DROP" ;;
4) rule="LOG" ;;
###################Generating the Rule####################
echo -e "\n\tPress Enter key to Generate the Complete Rule!!!"
read temp
echo -e "The Generated Rule is \n"
if [ $proto == "NULL" ]; then
echo -e "\niptables -A $chain -s $ip_source -d $ip_dest -j $rule\n"
echo -e "\niptables -A $chain -s $ip_source -d $ip_dest -p $proto -j $rule\n"
echo -e "\n\tDo you want to Enter the Above rule to the IPTABLES? Yes=1 , No=2"
read yesno
if [ $yesno == 1 ] && [ $gen == 1 ]; then
iptables -A $chain -s $ip_source -d $ip_dest -j $rule
else if [ $yesno == 1 ] && [ $gen == 2 ]; then
iptables -A $chain -s $ip_source -d $ip_dest -p $proto -j $rule

else if [ $yesno == 2 ]; then


if [ $UID == $ROOT_UID ];
while [ $opt_main != 4 ]
echo -e "/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\n"
#############Check Whether the iptables installed or not############
echo -e "\t*****Main Menu*****\n
1. Check Iptables Package\n
2. Iptables Services\n
3. Build Your Firewall with Iptables\n
4. Exit"
read opt_main
case $opt_main in
1) echo -e "******************************"
rpm -q iptables
echo -e "******************************" ;;
2) checkstatus ;;
3) buildfirewall ;;
4) exit 0 ;;
*) echo -e "Wrong option Selected!!!"
echo -e "You Must be the ROOT to Perfom this Task!!!"
exit 0


Set Up DHCP Failover On Centos

This tutorial will guide you through setting up DHCP fail on CentOS 5.1 default using the ISC DHCP server, which can be easily adapted to any other Linux distribution on the market. You'll probably need changeover in network environments where downtime can not be tolerated. At my house is running a configuration DLNA so I need my devices to be able to obtain network settings at any time.

Since DHCP and DNS often go hand in hand i will be setting up a local DNS server which allows updates dynamic, such as host names will be automatically updated DNS forever when a lease is granted to a customer.

My setup use the following configuration please substitute to your own network configuration.

  • Domain name -

  • Network -

  • DHCP servers -,

  • Gateway -

  • DNS servers -,

Install required Packages

  • DHCP
    # yum install dhcp -y

  • DNS
    # yum install bind bind-chroot caching-nameserver -y

  • NTP
    # yum install ntp -y

Configuration :

Backup your original config on the Master

# cp /etc/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcpd.conf.orig

Edit the DHCP configuration /etc/dhcpd.conf on the master and add the following, read the comments to understand the options:

authoritative;                                  # server is authoritative
option domain-name ""; # the domain name issued
option domain-name-servers,; # name servers issued
option netbios-name-servers; # netbios servers
allow booting; # allow for booting over the network
allow bootp; # allow for booting
next-server; # TFTP server for booting
filename "pxelinux.0"; # kernel for network booting
ddns-update-style interim; # setup dynamic DNS updates
ddns-updates on;
ddns-domainname ""; # domain name for DDNS updates
key rndckey {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "xxxxxxxxxx"; # get from the /etc/rndc.key file
zone # forward zone to update
primary; # update on the local machine
key rndckey; # key to use for the update
zone # reverse zone to update
primary; # update on the local machine
key rndckey; # key for update
failover peer "home-net" { # fail over configuration
primary; # This is the primary
address; # primarys ip address
port 647;
peer address; # peer's ip address
peer port 647;
max-response-delay 60;
max-unacked-updates 10;
mclt 3600;
split 128;
load balance max seconds 3;
subnet netmask # zone to issue addresses from
pool {
failover peer "home-net"; # pool for dhcp leases with failover bootp not allowed
deny dynamic bootp clients;
option routers;
pool { # accomodate our bootp clients here no replication and failover
option routers;
allow unknown-clients;
ignore client-updates;

Back up your original config on the Slave

# cp /etc/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcpd.conf.orig

Edit the DHCP configuration /etc/dhcpd.conf on the slave and add the following, read the comments to understand the options:

authoritative;                                  # server is authoritative
option domain-name ""; # the domain name issued
option domain-name-servers,; # name servers issued
option netbios-name-servers; # netbios servers
allow booting; # allow for booting over the network
allow bootp; # allow for booting
next-server; # TFTP server for booting
filename "pxelinux.0"; # kernel for network booting
ddns-update-style interim; # setup dynamic DNS updates
ddns-updates on;
ddns-domainname ""; # domain name for DDNS updates
key rndckey {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "xxxxxxxxxx"; # get from the /etc/rndc.key file on the master
zone # forward zone to update
primary; # update on the local machine
key rndckey; # key to use for the update
zone # reverse zone to update
primary; # update on the local machine
key rndckey; # key for update
failover peer "home-net" { # fail over configuration
secondary; # This is the secondary
address; # our ip address
port 647;
peer address; # primary's ip address
peer port 647;
max-response-delay 60;
max-unacked-updates 10;
mclt 3600;
load balance max seconds 3;
subnet netmask # zone to issue addresses from
pool {
failover peer "home-net"; # pool for dhcp leases with failover bootp not allowed
deny dynamic bootp clients;
option routers;
pool { # accomodate our bootp clients here no replication and failover
option routers;
allow unknown-clients;
ignore client-updates;

Back up the the Bind configuration on the master:

# cp /var/named/chroot/etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf /var/named/chroot/etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf.orig

Edit the configuration to reflect the config below.

options {
directory "/var/named";
dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";
query-source port 53;
query-source-v6 port 53;
allow-query { localhost; localnets; };
include "/etc/rndc.key";
include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";
zone "" {
type master;
file "data/";
allow-transfer {; };
allow-update { key "rndckey"; };
allow-query { any; };
zone "" {
type master;
file "data/";
allow-transfer {; };
allow-update { key "rndckey"; };
allow-query { any; };

Back up the the Bind configuration on the slave:

# cp /var/named/chroot/etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf /var/named/chroot/etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf.orig

Edit the configuration to reflect the config below.

options {
directory "/var/named";
dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";
query-source port 53;
query-source-v6 port 53;
allow-query { localhost; localnets; };
include "/etc/rndc.key";
include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";
zone "" {
type slave;
masters {; };
file "data/";
zone "" {
type slave;
masters {; };
file "data/";

Create the zone files on the master

  • /var/named/chroot/var/named/data/
    $ORIGIN .
    $TTL 38400 IN SOA (
    2008061629 ; serial
    10800 ; refresh (3 hours)
    3600 ; retry (1 hour)
    604800 ; expire (1 week)
    38400 ; minimum (10 hours 40 minutes)
    ns1 IN A
    ns2 IN A

  • /var/named/chroot/var/named/data/
    $ORIGIN .
    $TTL 38400 ; 10 hours 40 minutes IN SOA (
    2008061644 ; serial
    10800 ; refresh (3 hours)
    3600 ; retry (1 hour)
    604800 ; expire (1 week)
    38400 ; minimum (10 hours 40 minutes)
    2 IN PTR
    3 IN PTR


NTP is required because the two DHCP servers need to be in sync for fail over as well as DDNS to take place. You can run a full fledged NTP server if you want, i will only provide you with instructions on using cron to sync NTP to an external NTP server every hour. You need to do this on BOTH servers.

  • create a file /etc/cron.hourly/timesync and add the following:

    ntpdate -s

  • make the file executable and run it for the first time:
    # /etc/cron.hourly/timesync

Well we are done, let's fire up the services and begin testing.

  • on the master:
    # service named start

    # service dhcpd start

  • on the slave:
    # service named start

    # service dhcpd start

You should see the following in your logs on the master:

Jun 16 13:58:56 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: I move from recover to startup
Jun 16 13:58:56 kudusoft dhcpd: dhcpd startup succeeded
Jun 16 13:58:56 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: I move from startup to recover
Jun 16 13:59:12 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: peer moves from unknown-state to recover
Jun 16 13:59:12 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: requesting full update from peer
Jun 16 13:59:12 kudusoft dhcpd: Sent update request all message to home-net
Jun 16 13:59:12 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: peer moves from recover to recover
Jun 16 13:59:12 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: requesting full update from peer
Jun 16 13:59:12 kudusoft dhcpd: Update request all from home-net: sending update
Jun 16 13:59:12 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: peer update completed.
Jun 16 13:59:12 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: I move from recover to recover-done
Jun 16 13:59:13 kudusoft dhcpd: Sent update done message to home-net
Jun 16 13:59:13 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: peer moves from recover to recover-done
Jun 16 13:59:13 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: I move from recover-done to normal
Jun 16 13:59:13 kudusoft dhcpd: failover peer home-net: peer moves from recover-done to normal
Jun 16 13:59:14 kudusoft dhcpd: pool 914eb10 192.168.1/24 total 26 free 25 backup 0 lts -12
Jun 16 13:59:14 kudusoft dhcpd: pool 914eb10 192.168.1/24 total 26 free 25 backup 0 lts 12

And on the slave:

Jun 16 13:59:12 shaka dhcpd: Sending on   Socket/fallback/fallback-net
Jun 16 13:59:12 shaka dhcpd: failover peer home-net: I move from recover to startup
Jun 16 13:59:12 shaka dhcpd: failover peer home-net: peer moves from unknown-state to recover
Jun 16 13:59:12 shaka dhcpd: dhcpd startup succeeded
Jun 16 13:59:12 shaka dhcpd: failover peer home-net: requesting full update from peer
Jun 16 13:59:12 shaka dhcpd: failover peer home-net: I move from startup to recover
Jun 16 13:59:12 shaka dhcpd: Sent update request all message to home-net
Jun 16 13:59:12 shaka dhcpd: Sent update done message to home-net
Jun 16 13:59:12 shaka dhcpd: Update request all from home-net: nothing pending
Jun 16 13:59:12 shaka dhcpd: failover peer home-net: peer moves from recover to recover-done
Jun 16 13:59:14 shaka dhcpd: failover peer home-net: peer update completed.
Jun 16 13:59:14 shaka dhcpd: failover peer home-net: I move from recover to recover-done
Jun 16 13:59:14 shaka dhcpd: failover peer home-net: peer moves from recover-done to normal
Jun 16 13:59:14 shaka dhcpd: failover peer home-net: I move from recover-done to normal
Jun 16 13:59:14 shaka dhcpd: pool 9d78ad8 192.168.1/24 total 26 free 25 backup 0 lts 12
Jun 16 13:59:14 shaka dhcpd: pool response: 12 leases


Securing Postgresql with Two-Factor Authentication

This tutorial will demonstrate how to secured PostgreSQL databases using two factors authentication of the WiKID strong authentication server via WFP on Linux. We assume that you have PostgreSQL and WiKID strong authentication server configured.

Configuring Postgresql

Configuring Postgresql to use PAM authentication is trivial. Edit the pg_hba.conf file to use PAM and add
an entry for PAM for the appropriate network:

host all all pam postgresql

This entry specifies that all the users from the local lan (192.168.x.x) will use PAM, specifically the file postgresql which on redhat flavors is found in /etc/pam.d. We assume you have a separate line for access by applications. You don't want to break any applications that are using Postgres.

Configuring PAM

If your system does not have a package for pam_radius you can download the source from the Pam Radius website. Installation documentation is
also available.

Once installed, edit the postgresql PAM file to use radius:


auth sufficient /lib/security/

account include system-auth

password include system-auth

session include system-auth

PAM settings vary by linux flavor, so please consult your distribution's PAM documentation.

Now edit the /etc/raddb/server file to point to your WiKID server:

# server[:port] shared_secret      timeout (s)
# secret 1 your_shared_secret 3

Configuring the WiKID Strong Authentication Server
Adding a domain to the WiKID server 

The WiKID Authentication System employs the concept of authentication domains. An authentication domain is a segmentation of authentication authority. Any given token client using the system can participate in any number of authentication domains. These domains may exist on an individual WiKID Strong Authentication Server or they may exist on separate and discrete servers (or any combination). Conversely, a WiKID Strong Authentication Server may provide authentication services for any number of discrete domains. These domains may be exclusive or inclusive of any set of token clients.

An authentication domain is initially defined by the 12-digit code used in token client provisioning. This code allows any un-configured, unrelated token client to locate and register with a particular WiKID Strong Authentication Server and domain. In practice, the 12-digit code signifies a zero-padded IP address that is Internet accessible. Optionally, if may designate a prefix in the domain. For example, a WiKID Strong Authentication Server with the public IP address of would be directly accessible via the 12-digit code 027232007014. Using the service, codes signifying non-routable IP addresses may be used, such as 999888777666. You can also alter the DNS settings by deploying a custom file with your software token.

Selecting the [Domains] header option will display the current domains served by this WiKID Strong Authentication Server. See Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 – Domain Configuration Screen

Selecting [Create New Domain] on this screen will allow the administrator to establish a new authentication domain for this server. The new domain parameter screen is depicted in Figure 2.

The required domain configuration options are:

Domain Name – This is a descriptive label for this domain visible only in the administration system.

Device Domain Name – This is the domain label that will appear in the menu option on the token client. This label should be relatively short to facilitate viewing on a mobile device.

Minimum PIN Length - This is the minimum allowable PIN length for this domain. Any attempt to set a pin shorter than this value will generate an error on the client token client.

Passcode Lifetime – This parameter specifies the maximum lifetime of the one-time passcode generated in this domain. After N elapsed seconds, the one-time passcode will automatically be invalidated.

Server Code – This is the zero-padded IP address of the server or the pre-registered prefix in the domain. This value must be exactly 12 digits in length.

Max Bad PIN Attempts – The maximum number of bad PINs attempted by a token client in this domain before the token is disabled.

Max Bad Passcode Attempts – The maximum number of bad passcodes entered for a userid registered in this domain before the userid is disabled.

Max Sequential Offlines – The maximum number of times a token client may use the offline challenge/response authentication before being required to authenticate online. This feature is used in the Enterprise version for the wireless clients when they are out-of-network coverage.

Use TACACS+ Select this to use TACACS+ for this domain.

Creating Network Clients

Network clients are systems that request one-time password validation from a WiKID Strong Authentication Server. These systems act in a proxy capacity, accepting questionable information from users and communicating with the WiKID Strong Authentication Server for validation.
Network clients utilize one of the installed protocol modules. The protocol module must be installed, initialized and enabled before you can configure add a network client for it.

Each network client must be configured on the WiKID Strong Authentication Server before it will allow the client to request validation.
Figure 3 shows the initial network client screen.

Initial Network Client Screen

Select – Create new Network Client - to begin adding a network client. You will be presented with a screen similar to Figure 4 below.

Network Client Properties Screen

These are the general network client properties. These values are required for each network client configured, regardless of the protocol selected. Property definitions are:

Name – The descriptive name of the server. This will be the primary display name in the administrative system and in system logs and reports. It is recommended that you use a combination of hostname, and WiKID domain for clarity.

IP Address – The IP address of the network client.

Protocol – The communications protocol used by this network client. Only protocols previously enabled will be available. The protocol selection will dictate the additional properties that must be defined for this client. In this instance, choose Radius.

Domain – This is the WiKID authentication domain in which this client will request credential validation. Your postgresql administrators will need to have their tokens registered in this domain.

Radius traffic is encoded by a shared secret, so we need to enter the same shared secret here as we entered on Postgresql server's /etc/raddb/server file:

That's it! To access Postgresql from the command line or from any GUI interface will require a one-time passcode from the WiKID Strong Authentication server.